Personal Achievements

January 20, 2024
Metalcloak I Resolve to Offroad Contest
Custom animation I created in After Effects to share for @metalcloak giveaway. Metalcloak is giving away 1000s of dollars worth of prizes…

January 6, 2024
Special Olympics Ride Custom Art
Dust Up Your Designs: Celebrating the Special Olympics with a Jeep Adventure! Hey design amigos, buckle up for a story about roaring…

November 17, 2023
Hello UES
Here is a video intro I did for my friends company UES. Just a quick 15 second video done in Adobe After…

My love affair with my Jeep!
Because it seems like a requirement of Jeep ownership my neighbor and I started a Jeep Club here in our community of…

February 5, 2023
Google’s Digital Marketing and Ecommerce Certification
To be able to bring more value and knowledge to my clients, I competed Google’s Digital Marketing and Ecommerce Certification. …